This Christmas I pledge to
- Shop SMALL,
- Spend LOCAL,
- Eat Local, and
As I pledge to shift my Holiday shopping through out November and December towards supporting local businesses that support me, the local economy and most importantly MY COMMUNITY.
I take the pledge to shift at least 10% of my shopping to supporting and ppurchasing from Locally owned, operated small and independent businesses.
I also commit to enjoying locally grown food and eating out at locally owned and operated small restaurants and cafes.
I will attempt to become a local champion and community supporter during the 4th BC Buy Local week from November 30th to December 6th as I commit to Support my community as well as my Province of BC as I do my holiday shopping at Locally owned or BC operated Businesses Who have Locally or BC made or grown products.
Learn more about my personal goal, pledge and promise towards shifting my 2015 Holiday Shopping and committing to shopping local, shopping small and in particular Shopping BC
- BC Buy Local Week [November 30th to December7th] BLOG Wordpress Blogger:
- Shift your Shopping Blog [November/December] WordPress: Blogger:
- Small Business Saturday Wordpress: Blogger:
- My Holiday Shopping pledge WordPress: Blogger:
- Local Craft Fair shopping Hauls