The Random Acts of Christmas Kindness Calendar
I'm going to do this idea but with a different challenge each day of December that will make you happier, your earth better, or someone else's day brighter!
Brittany Clough’s 31 days of Challenges
- day one: Number one advent challenge is to make plans today(doesn't have to be for today) to catch up with Someone over coffee, a dinner, or even the phone!
- day two: Buy two people a coffee or tea to brighten up their day.
- day three: Complete three acts of kindness today! It could be as small as holding a door open for someone or giving out a compliment
- Day four:Smile at four strangers.
- Day five Do/Eat/Say five things you are usually too scared or just don't usually do! [Try something new]
- Day six: Help the earth out in six different ways today. That could be turning off lights, carpooling, recycling or bringing a cloth bag shopping.
- Day seven: Support your community
- Day eight:Give out eight honest compliments today.
- Day nine: Option a) Give out 9 huge bear hugs... and mean them. Option b) Tell 9 people that you love/appreciate them and why. Option c) Do a mixture of those two for a total of nine.
- Day ten: 10 dollars or 10 things Option a) donate either ten dollars to some type of charity Option B) Collect and Donate ten physical things like bringing 10 cans of food to the food bank. Option C) donate 10 different items to 10 different places, An old coat for a coat drive, a toy for a toy drive, items for Female Shelters/safe places, items for Homeless shelters etc. Option D) Do a combination of both of these things!
- Day eleven: [Letting go] Make a list of 11 things or people that bring you down. Now the next step has two options depending on your style of action: A) burn the list to represent how it will not affect you anymore. B) write down a way of not letting them affect you anymore or a reason why you shouldn't let them affect you.
- Day twelve: Buy a small bag of chocolate or candy canes and hand out twelve of them to strangers or friends...
- day Thirteen: Spend thirteen minutes and start setting your New Years Resoltions.
- Day fourteen:CLEANING TIME! Pick out 14 items (toys, clothing, shoes, a blanket, etc) and Donate them, give them away, recycle them or UPCYCLE them.
- Day fifteen:Go for a 15 minute walk.
- Day sixteen: Let sixteen people know what's awesome about them.
- Day seventeen: List seventeen things you're thankful for in your life today
- Day eighteen: Spend 180 minutes with friends and/or family today, undistracted from technology or work problems, etc.
- Day 19: List 19 people/things that make you happy. Now, don't take those things for granted.
- Day 20: Spend 20 minutes "you" time. Whether this be meditating, exercise, a bath or reading!
- Day twenty one: Chose (2) things to go without for the next (1) day in an attempt to be healthier. For example give up coffee, Junk food, Drinking. Now after 1 day see if you can keep it up for the next 20 days! [i.e 21 days] but accept and forgive yourself if you don’t do the full 21 days.
- Day 22: Learning Watch or read (2) articles/videos on (2) different things to educate yourself.
- List 2-3 or if you can 23 things that you like about yourself. They can be things about your personality, traits/skills you worked hard to have, or actual physical things you like about yourself.
- Day 24: Spend at least 20 minutes today on 4 things you have wanted to complete (aka cleaning a part of the house, wrapping presents, spending time with people or finishing that chapter you haven't had time for)
- Day 25: Spend 25 hours with loved ones... just because on Christmas, 24 hours is simply not enough to appreciate all the people you want to appreciate
- Day 26: [Smart choices] When you're headed up to the cash register try to take $26 worth of things out of your pile of things that you don't need. We often get so carried away on this day and then we end up buying a $20 shirt that we never wear for three years and that $20 could save a life or go towards your university or apartment rental.
- Day 27: Instead of watching TV or on the computer for 27 minutes, do something else whether its reading, exercise or getting something done.
- Day 28: Spend another 2-8 or a full 28 minutes working more on your New Years Resolutions and 2017 goals.
- Day 29: Spend 29 minutes doing yoga/pilates/running/walking/hiking etc. You don’t have to do it all at once. Through out the day like every few hours you can always stop and take a quick yoga/streching break. Divide it up and make it fuN!
- Day 30: [Make the most of time] Spend 30 minutes cleaning ( so your room/house/car is not going into the new year as a mess), 30 minutes organizing next year (so your brain is not going into the new year as a mess) and 30 minutes doing something incredibly fun!
- Day 31: Instead of focusing on things you don't like about yourself or your life, I want you to write down 31 things/people that make you happy. Done? Good. Now your goal for the new year is to do those things/ appreciate those opportunities/spend more time with those people. You don't need to focus on changing the negative... you don't have to focus on the negative at all.
Think about the last 31 days and all the things you did. APPRECIATE WHAT DOING ALL OF THAT MEANT TO YOU. Did you notice any self growth, was it hard to do, was it fun, did you make memories, by completing these things did it make you Happy??? HOW DID YOU CHANGE?
*****ALL IDEAS BELONG TO Brittany Clough and were originally posted December 2013 on her page Miss Teen Fraser Valley World 2013*****
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